WordMix is a simple game for primary children. It involves sorting out mixed up sentences.
The stack can store lots of sets of sentences. You can select as many of the lines in each set of sentences to use in any one game as you like.
You can let the children play one sentence at a time, or set up for using a set number of sentences for a child to go through. In the second case the child's answers are stored and can be printed at the end of the set.
How To Play
After clicking New Story or Start (depending on how you set it up: see below) the child will be shown a mixed up sentence. They sort the sentence by clicking on the words to put them in the box below the mixed up sentence. Used words are bold and cannot be used again. Words in the bottom field can be rubbed out with the Rubber which removes the last word, or all removed with the Rub Out All button. Rubbed out words can be used again.
Setting Up
First you need sentences to use.
The simplest way is just to type them into the bottom field on the SetUp card: click on the padlock beside that field to type into it. You can paste text into the field too. The sentences in this field will be the ones used for the game.
If you wish to have bank of sentences you can put them into the upper field on the SetUp card. You can have many sets of these list fields, choose them, delete them or make new ones with the Show List pop up button at the top of the SetUp card. Click and drag on sentences in this field to put them into the lower field. Option click and drag to add sentences to the ones already in the lower field.
If the lower field is locked (toggle with the padlock beside the field) you can option click on a sentence to remove it.
The stack is designed to be used with early readers. It deals with punctuation marks by 'adding them on' to the word.
eg. If a child clicks on the last word of where is it? then it? will be put into the answer field.
You can not use double quotation marks in the sentences. If quotation marks are used they will be removed before the children see the sentences. You can use single quotes like 'this', they will be carried with the word.
Each list of sentences can only hold 30000 characters, it is unlikely you would need more. For example there are just over 5000 characters in this field.
On the Set Up card there are several choices that can be made:
• Multi Question
• Check Answer
• Show Speech Button
These are described below:
• Multi Question
If the Multi Question box is checked the game will consist of all the sentences in the text to use field, one after the other. When the child clicks Start she will be prompted for her name. After that she will get a mixed up sentence, when she is finished sorting it she clicks on the Next Story button (the start one with it's name and color changed. This will show her the next mixed up story. When all the sentences are finished the child will be asked if they want to print the sentences they have sorted.
If the Multi Question box is not checked the red button will be called New Story. This will simply throw up a sentence chosen from the text to use at random mixed up in the top game field. The Child can then try to sort it out. She can print her effort with the Print button. NB the Print button does not show when Multi Question is selected.
• Check Answer
If the show check answer button is checked the sentence the child produces will be checked against the original sentence when the check answer button on the game card is clicked. This choice cannot be made if you have chosen Multi Question. It is not always a good choice as there is often more than one "correct" way to arrange a set of words into a sentence.
• Show Speech Button
This check box will only be visible if your Mac has speech capabilities. If it has and you check this box the child can hear his sentence read with the computer generated voice chosen, often headphones can help a lot in a classroom. Sometimes hearing a sentence helps a child tell if it is correct or not.
Please feel free to re distrubute WordMix as an unlicenced file, but please include this Read Me the Register WordMix application and the How to Register file.
WordMix costs £5 or $10 for a single user or site license.
Use the Register program that came with this stack to register. Read the How To Register Document for more information.
Send £5 or $10 or local equivalent to me at the address below.
Don't send cheques except in British currency as it costs me £5 to cash them. Just stick the money in an envelope.
In either case I will then send you a code to register. The fee covers any number of computers on one site. Please include the name of your school or site.
68 Highburgh Road
Glasgow G12 9EN
e mail JJohns4106@aol.com
web http:/members.aol.com/weefishes/index.html
HyperCard and SuperCard information for teachers at http//www.jhj.dircon.co.uk